Category: SDG12.3


MODEL-it The symposium was the 8th International Symposium on Applications of Modelling as an Innovative Technology in the Horticultural Supply Chain. The name says the most of it. The website says the rest of it. The focus is post-harvest and food processing, but it seems to be mainly post-harvest. HIGHLIGHTS OF MODEL-it 2023 Presentations and…
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Breeding for Sugar Beet Storage

I’ve had a few discussions around the topic of breeding for storage, with breeders, industry, and farmers alike. The consensus is that, while it’s a nice idea and that it would be possible, it’s not been economical. It’s a nice bonus if a variety stores well, but it’s not the primary aim of any breeding…
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CFD + Drying sugar beets

Drying out sugar beets isn’t usually a practice undertaken in their production – at least, not intentionally – and we’re not looking to change this – intentionally. The topic has come up after it became clear in one of my other projects that ventilation isn’t just good for cooling beets, it has the ability to…
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