By my calculations, 2023 is a “normal” to “safer than normal” year with resepect to bolting risk. This, coupled with the general late sowing, means there shouldn’t be any general issues with bolting in 2023.

Ädelholm had a sowing date of 7 April. Taking the station nearest – Alnarp – the approximate vernalisation hours are 75. This puts us well below the critical value for sensitive varieties of 120 hours, and even further away from the critical value for mid-sensitive varieties of 130 hours. The variety at Ädelholm is Fabienna – a variety in the mid-sensitivity category. 29 bolters have been pulled out at Ädelholm so far – so about 4.5 per hectare, or 5 per 100 000 plants.
The data for Sandby gård in Österlen is, for the second year in a row, well above the other stations. It looks like there might be a problem with the calibration of the temperature sensor there.