Category: SLU


UNDER CONSTRUCTION 2022-03-03: require experimental data for the permeability of the cover material TopTex. OpenFOAM version: 9 CASE: clamp_06, case_06_empty_clamp Solver: clampPimpleFoam-2 This post builds on two previous posts in which two heat equations were added to the pimpleFoam solver: one for the fluid phase, and one for the solid phase. That said, this post…
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OpenFOAM: pimpleFoam w HEAT TRANSFER -2

Case: clamp_05 Solver: clampPimpleFoam-1 -> clampPimpleFoam-2 This post is the second of two that are a record of how to modify the pimpleFoam solver of OpenFOAM to include heat transfer when there is: a porous region, two phases in this porous region (gas and solid), and a heat source within the solid phase. In the…
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CFD + Clamp ventilation

As part of the CFD course I’ve just been through, we had a group assignment. My team was kind enough to adopt the beet ventilation system we at NBR are developming to be the focus of our work. Here is the report (it’s pretty technical and unfortunately not highly conclusive): I hope we’ll get to…
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Droppin’ beæts

Yes, I do amuse myself… But seriously, this has been a fun set of experiments. Damage to sugar beets during harvest and transport can be very costly in terms of sugar loss during storage. This general idea is something that seems to be pretty well understood. The depth of knowledge on the different conditions that…
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Ventilated drying

If there is one thing that I hope to know more about than anyone else in the world at the end of my PhD, it is how air moves through sugar beet clamps, and how this air movement impacts the quality of the beets over time. To this end, one of the major research trials…
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Betodlaren – introduction

Writing for the the industry magazine ‘Betodlaren’ (the beet grower) will be a big part of my work at NBR. My first article was a bit of a gimme: it’s an introduction of myself. Here is a translation of it: William is new at NBR NBR has been awarded a grant from the industry doctor program…
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