A short review, this one. Not because Tim didn’t have anything to say, but more because there wasn’t too much new and/ or relevant to sugar beet. The best insights were into what it is like to manage a regenerative farm:
- the number of field passes on any one field may not decrease, but instead of applying something-cide, one will be applying nutrients. He has seen nutrient applications beat insects time and time again, with the example of flea beetle in canola – plenty there pre-emergence, but they left the field once the healthy/ unappetizing plants came up. Brix measurement is an important part of this management approach.
- it can take more time to be the manager of a regenerative farm as one needs to keep a closer eye on more variables.
- need to be profitable to do environmental work.
- silica based products are a big part of his management. As too untreated seeds – sees that they emerge quicker.